mabelle text

mabelle text

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Caramel Cake

A cake that took me a year to make...

Lemon Chiffon Cake, with Custard Cream Filling, frosted with Caramel Icing, with Vanilla Buttercream borders, and decorated with (off-the-shelf) sugar flowers.

While we do not add artificial colors, a birthday cake (or any occasion cake) would look drab.  So while we DO NOT ADD artificial colors, there are times when we use ready made cake toppers or decorations that (obviously) used coloring.  And while, technically, such decorations are made of sugar (and hence can be eaten) we discourage eating them because (really now) all that sugar is really not good for anyone, and there's plenty of sugar in the cake and the icing to begin with!

Anyway, here's a peek inside the cake...

If only the cake was easier to make... took a whole day!  Baking the cake, cooking the filling, making caramel then cooking it to make the icing, then making the buttercream until finally filling and frosting the whole cake!  Imagine if I had to make the flowers myself, too!!!

Anyway, the birthday boy (who requested this cake last year!) was very, very happy.  In fact, he was so happy that within 15 minutes of finishing the cake, a fourth of it disappeared into his tummy.  Some hours later, only half remained.  And as of this writing (technically 12 hours after the cake was finished), only a small slice was left!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I consider the greatest measure of (my personal) success!

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